To thrive in an exceptionally competitive milieu, one must be acutely attuned to market dynamics and evolving consumption patterns. It necessitates a periodic reevaluation of one's product assortment, coupled with recalibrations to both production modalities and product compositions as circumstances dictate.

At FIBER CITRUS, we are not merely cognizant of these intricacies but deeply immersed in the rhythm of our consumers' shifting preferences. Our pioneering technique for extracting fibers from citrus peels stands as a testament to our innovative spirit. Moreover, we're unceasingly committed to refining our methodologies, elevating the versatility and efficacy of our offerings.

Explore the multifaceted utilities of our distinguished products below:


Owing to its inherently hygroscopic properties, citrus fiber exhibits an exceptional capacity for water retention—a paramount characteristic for bakery confections. This fiber forms a tenacious bond with water, adeptly imbibing moisture released by auxiliary ingredients. This process not only augments the product's durability on the shelf but also upholds its persistent freshness.


Thanks to its superior water-retention and emulsification attributes, citrus fiber stands as an indispensable component in the crafting of premier beverages. It enhances the rich mouthfeel of a myriad of concoctions, ranging from yogurt-based libations, pulps, acidulated protein beverages, fruit nectars, to powdered refreshments and vegetable-derived milks.


Given the attributes delineated earlier, this organic constituent serves as a formidable substitute for traditional gums, starches, and various stabilizers. Remarkably, it upholds, if not amplifies, the velvety consistency and caliber inherent in culinary delights such as ice creams, cream cheeses, assorted cheese varieties, yogurts, sauces, sour creams with low pH values, pastas, and beyond.


In the realms of dressings and soups, the noted ingredient exhibits a remarkable proficiency for binding both water and oil, especially in seasonings and dressings. These intrinsic qualities are not merely beneficial but paramount. When incorporated into dressings and condiments at concentrations ranging from 0.25% to 1%, there's a swift and discernible enhancement of texture.


Within the domain of processed meats—encompassing ground varieties, injected whole muscle cuts, meat and poultry derivatives, and meat stuffings—this distinguished ingredient plays a nuanced role. Its introduction not only amplifies the innate fiber content but also exhibits remarkable prowess in moisture retention. This, in turn, bestows the end product with a heightened succulence and significantly bolsters both binding fortitude and texture, as evidenced in culinary staples such as hamburgers.

PET FOOD: An Elevated Approach to Formulation

In the nuanced world of pet nourishment, the crafting of superior-quality foods and treats is paramount. The application of this distinguished ingredient extends to animal feeds, biscuits, and injection-molded bone treats. This is predominantly due to its laudable water retention and emulsification capacities, underscoring its versatility and indispensability in ensuring optimal pet nutrition.


Within the intricate realm of cosmetics, this distinguished ingredient assumes a pivotal role. Its intrinsic properties adeptly modulate the skin's pH, safeguarding the acid mantle — that delicate protective sheath responsible for repelling external contaminants, including bacteria and viruses. This function underscores the ingredient's profound implications for skin health and its esteemed place in cosmetic science.